posté le 02-03-2009 à 18:47:15
Hello everybody,
You are on a blog ... a special blog ... because we'll talk about a little trip. We went to England - Oxford and one day in London - with our school. We were approximately forty five students and four poor professors.
Let me tell you and enjoy your virtual trip !
posté le 02-03-2009 à 19:05:33
The first day : In the bus !
- Lundi 19 Janvier
We arrived at 2 pm in front of the high school, on the parking site. There was a disappointed Edwin whose problem was : What can I do with this little luggage and many many clothes ?! So, he must jump a little bit on his bag and it worked. After, all the futur young tourists put their bags in the bunker without clemency for them ! Then, parents stayed aroung the bus and tried to see their king and "poor" children who forgot completely them to speak with their friends. One second before started, Anaïs had an idea : say goodbye to her mother ! Good idea, Anaïs.
And ... the England Safari began with tears for parents and laugh for students. Direction ? Paris, with a good ( and nice according to Manon ) driver called Isham ( or Hicham, or Hychàm ... ><" ). The atmosphere was very good, a little party in a big bus until Camille said « Where is my umbrella identity card ? ». It was the start of our trip, and problems began for professors ... Isham didn't reassure them because he announced « If he doesn't have his identity card, he will stay in France ... ». Good news for Mrs Duchamp who know that she will escort Camille to Nyons ...
To relax all the professors and students, Djamila proposed to see a movie with Gad Elmaleh. All the bus was happy, for a short time because the DVD had a lot of « bugs » ... One seconde, Gad, one second stop, five seconds Gad, two seconds stop ... After, it was the time to have a dinner in a station. When we arrived, there was nobody, and after one minute, 49 hungries teens and 4 poor professors invaded the cafeteria.
When we was in Paris, some awoke to see a little little part of the Eiffel tower. The first monument of the Safari ! A new driver change his place with Isham, for the Manon's misfortune ... His name was Rachid ( « Have you got a candle ? » cf a Gad Elmaleh's gag with a man called Rachid ). The weather in Paris was ... Rain, a training for England !
At Calais, we had two news : a good new and a bad new.
I will say the good : Camille can go to England just with a card's photocopy. The bad new was : they hadn't a place for us in the train under the sea from Calais to England ... just a place from England to Calais ! So we waited to 6 : 20 am in the shopping center with a cup of tea cost 5 euros, yes 5 euros just one teeny cup of tea !
The continuation in few words : A little trip under the sea, Hello England and a sort of nap to Oxford.
posté le 02-03-2009 à 21:11:30
The first visite in Oxford
- Mardi 20 Janvier
We were finally in Oxford after 19 hours since Nyons ! A very small breakfirst in our stomach and we started to visite a castle.
We visited it into three groups of students with one teacher per group whose job was : translate ! So we learned that it was a gloomy jail and we tried a machine witch take a picture of you and remake it to look like a wanted criminel. It was funny to see all friends like a criminel ! Well .... After, at 12 am, we were released in Oxford with a mission : find food ! The first very important mission of our safari ... somebody, frightened, went to Mac Donald, because it's the same in France. Not too exotic ! Anaïs, Edwin, Alizia and Julie were in a post office to buy some stamps ( Edwin asked to an old lady « Where is the post office ? » and she answered very quikly ... we didn't understand everything but we finally find it ! ). Alizia was interpellate by a woman because she went in the post office with her hat ! Then, after have a little lunch, we found the statue where all our classmates could be. We waited for the teachers and Edwin had some mirages ... He saw an grey squirrel ! Ok, ok, Edwin ... Don't worry, you are in England ...
- Again, we were separated in three groups to visite two universities. The same little group ( Anaïs, Edwin, Alizia and Julie ) were with Mr Fabry and it was the picture's war betwen Edwin and Mr Fabry ... The garden was very cleen, without chewing gum, tags, their dinning room wasn't the same with our self service, that's sure !
posté le 05-03-2009 à 20:24:52
Mardi 20 : The evening
Mardi 20 Janvier - Evening.
After the Oxford's visite, it was the time to meet our host family. We went with the bus nearby Oxford, and we were called one by one. Our family was composed of Peter and Lynda, the parents, their daughter, and ... a little dog, a female grey parrot and ... a mygale ! She was in front of our house, in an aquarium - fortunately - and she was an very old lady, 14 years !
We were three : Anaïs, Alizia and Julie. The dinner was better than we thought about English's food ! We ate with Peter and Lynda . After ... Go to bed ! A confortable bed ( Julie's bed creaked a little bit ! ) !
posté le 20-04-2009 à 22:03:19
Mercredi 21 Janvier : Stratford-Upon-Aven
- Mercredi 21 Janvier
- 6h45 : The sweet alarme of Anaïs's mobile phone ( with " Louise Attack " ) woke us ... euh ... woke me Julie and Alizia because Anaïs was sleeping and sooring ! We tried to turned up this infernal machine, but it continued all the time !!! After we cried some bird's insults to Anaïs ( « Hey, the owl, WAKE UP ! » ), she finally opened her eyes and put her mobile phone off .... ouf ... =)
- We went to the kitchen where Lynda had made a very big breakfast ! On the table, there was a long, long, cereal's box row ... Choco pops, chocapics, miel pops ... we knew some of them, we ate the same in France. But Anaïs had an adventurous spirit ! Yes, she wanted to taste english's cereal ... very dangerous ... The result ? Her cereals looked like sponges, swimming in a milk's glossy bowl. It wasn't really a pleasure, her adventuroux spirit left her and she ate traditional's international cereal : choco pops. So, it was a breakfast not really english, but it was good with parrot's chirping ! x)
- At 8 a clock, we took our picnic and we went out, with Lynda. Our first day's walking : going to the bus ! We walked a quarter in the mist, on the deadly slop ( because of the ice, on the floor ! ). After, we arrived to the bus and met all our friends to say hello, to chat about our families, sometimes strange, about the food ... Manon said that they had a special rule in their family « They can't take a shower all of them at the same time » ... Okkk ...
- Madam Piloz decided to give us a quizz ... looks like " Question for a champion " ! =D ! We had to find the equivalent in French from English expressions. Marion round all expressions the first, and she will have a cake. After a time, we arrived to Stratford-Upon-Aven. At first, we touched the statue's belly to become lucky.
Then, Edwin tried to dredge a swan, insensitive to his british charme.
We walked in front of a little and charming harbour. In and on ( because of the ice ! ) the water, there were some ducks, and swans ( and the Edwin's swan ... a very beautiful love story betwen them ! <3 ).
- And we saw the theatre, Upon's river, statues ... then we walked in a big and beautiful garden ( you can see some pictures on the beginning of this article ). We saw som quirrel, and I took a picture ! We payed 50 pens to see the Shakespeare's tomb ( ... just a rock with a poem written by him before he died ).
- Then, we ate in front of such a big statue ( Anaïs, Edwin, Alizia, Manon, Mario, Alexia, Loïc and me ! ).
After, we visited Shakespeare's native house, and we walked during a long time to go to his daughter's house. The guide explained some old costums about an chicken, or women ... Edwin tried to fight with Geoffrey, but Geof' won ! We returned to the bus, and during the walking time, I speack a lot about horses with Mrs Duchamps ...
posté le 20-04-2009 à 23:30:47
Jeudi 22: New day in Oxford
- The Anaïs's waking remained difficult. We decided to make a small pillow battle but we had lunch. We will continue tonight. Alizia and I were joined against Julie. This morning, we went to Christ Church. The guide said that there were some ghosts in the cellar. Julie had an idea: could we look for Harry Potter's friends and some ghosts. After a thorough inspection, Julie's face was disppointed ! You saw nothing. It was nearly noon, we were starving, so we dispersed in Oxford. Corentin, Camille, Fabien ... searched for a king burger. We found a little thing to eat later. They had horrible stomach aches. Their stomach didn't support this fast-food ! They hope to not only share their meal ... Manon couldn't walk because his knee was painful, so Edwin carried her to the dock where the boat was. All this unfolds in the joy and good mood. In return, Fabien gave his bread ( from his picnic ) to swans and ducks. They were pleased to have such a good meal.
- We went to the museum of natural history. Anaïs was impressed by this architecture. We continued the visit. Manon's head was bitten by a huge dinosaure. Madam Duchamps gave us an biology's lesson. We joined the rest of the group very late ... Mrs. Duchamps slipped : there was a plot on the stairs. Students were laughing a lot. After some free time, we returned to our family.
- Alizia and I, we did a surprise for Julie. The pillow's battle was starting again. The room was totally messy : sheets were scattered on the ground ... Fortunately, the family said nothing but at the end, nobody won. We ate with the family and played a french game with them, we threw some little pigs ont the table and according to their positions, we had points. The game was very cool. Part One : english family won. But we had our revenge. After a loooong game, it was already late, we might go to bed ...
posté le 20-04-2009 à 23:59:32
Vendredi 23: London
- We were already friday. We finished our luggage, but didn't forget to say goodbye to our family. We put our bags in the car. For this last day in England, we went to London.
- Three hours later, Mrs Pilloz proposed some activities, and we finally arrived in London. The rain was a part of our trip. All umbrellas were useful. But there was a big problem we didn't think about ... all umbrellas put out of shape with the wind.
- Few streets further, we saw the Buckingam Palace and Julie disapeared to take a picture of horses ... After we went to others attractions before going to the science museum. Edwin and I were impressed by a big 4 * 4 repainted in pink and purple for the Julie's displeasure ! We had not time to visit all the museum because we might leave to others places. We arrived at Picadilly Circus the appointment will be here after our free time. We mix up to the crowd and then we decided to go to the largest European toys store called "Hamleys”. Night falled on London, and Mr Fabry wasn't at Picadilly Circus (And Fusarelly said before the trip : Do not lose your teacher, unfortunately, for us ...). Then, Mr Fabry and Corentin arrived and we could finally visit the city at night : with big ben, the house of parliament, ... ) We ate a very expensive "fish and chips" in front of theThames. We quickly walked in the surroundings of the tower of London.The trip was finished, we might return to France, with a lot of good memories of England ...
posté le 21-04-2009 à 00:15:18
The last day !
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